This table shows maximum prices for the services we offer. For a proposal tailored to your needs, please contact us.

Basic Services Table
Tabela I - Utilização das Instalações de Acostagem
1. Per linear meter of the total length of the moored vessel on long-haul routes, for a period of 12 hours or less
R$ 5,74
2. Per linear meter of the total length of the moored vessel on cabotage routes, for a period of 12 hours or less
R$ 4,80
a) The docking period starts at any time and expires after every 12 hours or less.
b) The length of the stern ramp of “Roll-on Roll-off” ships, when opened, must be added to the total length of the vessel for the calculation on this table.
c) The minimum charge will be 100 meters per period, per vessel.
3. Waterway Access and Berthing Infrastructure Fee for waterway access (entry and exit) of a vessel.
Liquid Bulk – per tonne
R$ 96,30
3.2 General Cargo – per tonne – Subject to further analysis depending on the type of cargo.
R$ 128,40
3.3 Mooring – per vessel
R$ 10.486,00
3.4 Berthing and Use of the Dock – per day
R$ 10.700,00
Table II - Warehousing Services
1.1 First period (10 days or less) - on the amount on the CI (Comprovante de Importação, Proof of Import).
1.1.1 Minimum billing/invoice amount
R$ 378,00
1.2 After the 1st period.
1.2.1 Minimum billing/invoice amount
R$ 378,00
2.1 First period - 7 days or less - On the price of the goods stated on the CI.
2.1.1 Minimum billing/invoice amount.
R$ 585,00
2.2 Second period (daily) - On the price of the goods stated on the CI.
2.2.1 Minimum Value - 8th to 15th day - Per day per HBL.
R$ 95,00
2.3 Third period (day) from the 16th day - On the price of the goods stated on the CI.
2.3.1 Minimum Value from the 16th day - Per day per HBL.
R$ 95,00
2.4 Storage after registration of the Customs Warehouse l Every 10-day period l % of CI value
2.4.1 Minimum billing amount
R$ 578,00
2.5 Storage insurance l 30 days l % on CI value
2.5.1 Minimum billing amount
R$ 94,00
2.6 Administrative fee per nationalized batch (loads under customs warehousing regime)
R$ 720,00
3.1 First period (10 days or less) - on the amount on the CI ((Proof of Import).
3.1.1 Minimum billing/invoice amount.
R$ 378,00
3.2 After the 10th day (per day) - on the amount on the CI (proof of import)
3.2.1 Minimum billing/invoice amount.
R$ 378,00
4.1 First period (10 days or less) - on the amount on the CI (proof of import).
4.1.1 Minimum billing/invoice amount.
R$ 378,00
4.2 After the 10th day (per day) - on the amount on the CI (proof of import)
4.2.1 Minimum billing/invoice amount.
R$ 378,00
5.1 After delivery of the D.A. (for days or fraction) - About the value of the merchandise declared in the CI (Proof of Import).
5.1.1 Minimum turnover
R$ 378,00
5.2 Administrative fee per nationalized lot
R$ 675,00
5.3 Ad Valorem Insurance (30 days) % on the customs value (CIF)
Table III - Handling Services
1. Receiving DTA/MIC-DTA palletized/mechanized handling
R$ 629,00
2. Receiving DTA/MIC-DTA manual handling
R$ 768,00
3. On-wheel clearance
R$ 498,00
4. Handling in / out
R$ 495,00
5. Excess handling and Open top and Flat Rack units (handling in / out)
R$ 710,50
6. Use of slings for loading/unloading Open top and Flat Rack units
R$ 710,50
7. Non-intrusive inspection (scan). This service requires ordering item 15 - Positioning of containers for inspection
R$ 910,00
8. Positioning of containers for inspection: MAPA / RFB / ANVISA/ Purge / Private / Stripping.
R$ 260,90
9. Positioning of pallets for inspection: MAPA / RFB / ANVISA/ Purge / Private
R$ 29,50
10. Picking
R$ 24,00
Table IV - Operational Service Fees
1.1 Palletized/mechanized unstuffing of 20’ container (per container)
R$ 780,00
1.2 Palletized/mechanized unstuffing of 40’ container (per container)
R$ 920,00
1.3 Manual unstuffing of 20’ container (per container)
R$ 1100,00
1.4 Manual unstuffing of 40’ container (per container)
R$ 1185,00
1.5 Unstuffing of 40’ container using a stacker (per container)
R$ 1350,00
1.6 Mechanized/palletized loading (per vehicle)
R$ 1530,00
1.7 Manual/break bulk cargo loading (per vehicle)
R$ 490,00
Manual Deunitization 20 Container (after entry) additional I per container
R$ 1550,00
Manual Deunitization 40 Container (after entry) additional I per container
R$ 1670,00
Mechanized Deunitization Container of 20 (after entry) additional I per container
R$ 1273,00
Mechanized Deunitization Container of 40 (after entry) additional I per container
R$ 1403,00
Mechanized Deunitization Container of 20 COM stacker (after entry) additional I per container
R$ 1850,10
Mechanized Deunitization Container of 40 COM stacker (after entry) additional I per container
R$ 2030,90
1.8 Loading – mechanized/palletized I per vehicle
R$ 615,00
1.9 Loading – manual/loose load I per vehicle
R$ 860,50
1.10 Mechanized loose load loading with stacker I per vehicle
R$ 1690,50
Transshipment from container to vehicle - To format the value, the values for the services of: positioning, deunitization and loading will be applied.
per container
2.1 Administrative fee for consolidated cargo (per HBL)
R$ 1300,00
2.2 Loading
R$ 618,00
2.3 Picking (volume expresso no HBL, quando caixas, rolos, fardos, etc) l Volume l Mínimo R$131,00
R$ 23,00
2.4 Picking (por volume expresso no HBL, quando pallet) l Mínimo R$131,00
R$ 72,00
2.5 Weighing - per HBL
R$ 105,00
2.6 Empty container return - per HBL
R$ 135,00
2.7 Delivery fee for LCL cargo (LTL - weight and volume restrictions apply)
R$ 470,00
2.8 Ad Valorem Delivery fee for LCL cargo (LTL - calculated on the amount on the CI)
2.9 LCL Container Transfer Fee (per HBL)
R$ 499,00
2.10 Receiving via DTA - per HBL
R$ 95,00
2.11 Presence of load - by HBL
R$ 105,00
2.12 Documentary Conference - by HBL
R$ 105,00
2.13 Receipt via DTA - by HBL
R$ 350,00
2.14 Non-Invasive Inspection (Scanner) l Per vehicle
R$ 760,00
Table V - DTC Shipping – 20’/40’ DC/HC Container
1. Port of Itajaí x Poly Terminais (per container)
R$ 850,00
2. Portonave x Poly Terminais (per container)
R$ 997,00
3. Empty container return to the ship-owner’s terminal in Itajaí - 20’ (per container)
R$ 380,00
4. Empty container return to the ship-owner’s terminal in Itajaí - 40’ (per container)
R$ 480,00
5. Empty container return to the ship-owner’s terminal in Navegantes - 20’ (per container)
R$ 435,00
6. Empty container return to the ship-owner’s terminal in Navegantes - 40’ (per container)
R$ 575,00
7. Ad valorem insurance (RTCR-C) (% on value of goods)
Table VI - Ancillary Services
1. Night surcharge (per container)
R$ 145,70
2. Pallet dismantling (per pallet)
R$ 145,00
3. Dismantling, sorting and rebuilding for RFB inspection 100% (per pallet)
R$ 220,00
4. Digital Photography - Special requests must be arranged in advance (up to 6 photos)
R$ 145,00
5. Load measurement (per volume)
R$ 17,00
6. Container Monitoring/Power (per day)
R$ 145,70
7. Palletizing - Includes the pallet (per pallet)
R$ 290,42
8. Break bulk cargo weighing (per vehicle)
R$ 510,00
9. Break bulk cargo weighing up to 2,000 kg
R$ 365,25
10. Container weighing - unit (per container)
R$ 220,54
11. Recount (including positioning) (per volume)
12. Marking / Labeling (per lot)
13. Cancelamento de senha para carregamento container l por contêiner
R$ 145,70
14. Cancelamento de senha de carregamento carga solta l por pallet
R$ 25,00
15. Cargo sorting (per volume)
16. Administrative fee (per process)
R$ 280,00
17. DTA exit fee to other warehouses (per DTA)
R$ 980,00
18. Issuance of Conference Form for MAPA
R$ 205,00
19. LCL cargo positioning for MAPA / RFB / ANVISA / ARMY Purge / Private inspection
R$ 210,00
Table VII - Other Services
1. Piped water supply to a vessel or consumer in the port area (per cubic meter)
R$ 3,75
2. Power supply to reefer containers or with clip-on, per container for a maximum storage period of 10 days, per 24 hours or less
R$ 111,84
3. Power supply to refrigerated vehicles per 12-hour period or less
R$ 111,84
General Terms
Business Hours: Business hours for receiving and removing cargo are from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm, and for visits, inspections or checks are from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday, and on Saturdays from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Services provided after hours, on Sundays or holidays will be surcharged 100%.
Electronic DTI (International Transshipment Declaration): Transfer of containers on a DTC (Container Transit Declaration) requires an Import Transfer Authorization to be issued through our portal. In addition to completing the form, the following documents must be attached: Scanned copy of the Bill of Lading (BL), Scanned Copy of the Invoice, Scanned Copy of the Packing List; Emergency Data Sheet - MSDS (for chemical cargo), and Extract of CE Mercante (electronic bill of lading) (if any).
Delivery of goods to Poly without prior agreement implies automatic acceptance of these commercial terms. After the expiration of the current proposal, the standard fees listed on our website will be charged.
Produtos Químicos: Em caso de importação de produtos químicos, solicitamos nos consultar previamente enviando a ficha de emergência e FISPQ para análise e confirmação do recebimento da carga pela Poly.
CE-Merchant: It is the sole responsibility of the importer to refund any penalties for failure to submit the CE under Article 107, item IV, clause ‘f’ of Decree-Law No. 37/66, as amended by Article 77 of Law No. 10833/ 03.
Endorsement of Goods: In case of endorsement of goods for purposes of transferring collection and debts for services provided from the endorser to the endorsee, it will be effected only after review of the case and approval by the finance department of the terminal.
Customs Warehouse Regime: The originally agreed customs warehouse fee will apply only if the DA (Declaration of Changes) is submitted to the Foreign Trade Department together with the original B/L.
Demurrage Free Time: The terminal will not be responsible for controlling any demurrage free time granted by the ship-owner and/or its agents. The demurrage periods stated on the DTI declaration are the responsibility of the importer and/or its legal representative.
Import containers will be returned within 48 business hours or as previously agreed between the parties. The terminal is not responsible for any delay in the delivery or return of empty containers due to force majeure or submission of proof of washing or repair on the part of the ship-owner’s depot. Any units that are not received by the depot on the day and remain on the truck are subject to a daily charge equivalent to one freight.
Missing cargo: Warehousing fees will be charged up to the time specified by the Federal Revenue Service or up to the date of seizure of the goods, whichever is later, in accordance with the Customs Regulation. If the goods are released even after the seizure has been ordered, the charge will apply up to the goods issue date, in accordance with IN RF 69, Article 2 (June 16, 1999)
Damage: Damaged reefer container (NOR): Because reefer equipment cannot be inspected at the time of removal from primary zone facilities (APM or Portonave), Poly Terminais will not be responsible for any missing or damaged refrigeration system, parts, or cables.
O serviço de transporte de remoções em DTC, DTA e entrega de CNTR vazios estará sujeito a reajustes conforme mudanças e regulações no mercado de transporte rodoviário.
Cases not provided for in the agreement should be checked in advance to establish the charges to be applied, such as: Excess cargo / Machinery and all those that require special handling.
Financial information:
The amounts shown in this proposal are in Brazilian reais.
Taxes such as ISS, PIS and COFINS will be added to the final amount of the invoice, in accordance with the applicable laws.
A cobrança será efetuada na entrada da mercadoria. A Poly se reserva o direito de emitir cobranças parciais a cada novo período vencido. Em caso de não pagamento nas datas acordadas, o depositário se reserva o direito de reter a mercadoria até que se efetue o pagamento, conforme o Art. 644, do novo código civil Brasileiro, além da cobrança de juros de 1%a.m. e multas de 2%, além demais despesas. Também fica facultado ao terminal protestar os boletos/Notas Fiscais, vencidos e não pagos. Os custos de levantamento de protesto ocorrerão por conta do Cliente.
Payment method: As detailed on the bank slip issued.
Prazo de pagamento: 7 dias a partir da data de emissão da fatura.
Segregation for transfer via Primary Zone DTC (APM TERMINALS/PORTONAVE): The fixed fees charged by the terminals, plus applicable taxes, will be passed on.